Develop Your Nursing Skills to Advance Your Career

Is a leader born or made? This question has been asked many times in many situations throughout history. It has been applied to many professions, including nursing. What makes a great nurse manager, head nurse, nursing supervisor, or director of nursing? Be a leader today Some people display leadership qualities long before they ever hold […]

Improve Patient Satisfaction with Engagement and Decency

Satisfaction surveys are everywhere. They may appear on the back of a grocery store receipt. They may come by e-mail after a conversation with a utility company. Patients receive satisfaction surveys, too. When hospitals or healthcare providers receive less-than-stellar satisfaction ratings, they work on figuring out how to increase those ratings. Be a patient When […]

Relocation Sounds Appealing – How Do I Do It?

Some people throw a dart at a map. Others choose a location based on specific criteria. When it comes to relocating, there are many ways to figure out where to go. What comes next? Without proper preparation, relocating can be overwhelming. Taking the time to lay the groundwork can make the process much smoother. Research […]

What to Do When You Don’t Know the Answer to a Patient’s Question

It may happen first thing in the morning, after a coffee break, or at the end of a long, hard day. A patient or family member asks a question and the answer that comes to mind is “I don’t know.” Situations like this must be handled appropriately and with great care. Stay Calm Whatever you […]

Search for a New Job While Still Employed

Searching for a new job can be challenging. Finding the right jobs to apply for can be tough and tedious. Interviews are stressful. Getting passed over for a dream job is heartbreaking. Searching for a new job while still employed adds a whole new set of challenges to the entire process. Fortunately, there are some […]

Important Preparation Information for ICD-10 Implementation

October 1, 2015, will bring big changes to healthcare. That day, the ICD-10 coding system will replace ICD-9, which has been in place for decades. The change is required for everyone covered by the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA). The Basics The American Medical Association offers important clarification about ICD-10, beginning with the acronym […]