Three Benefits of Working with a Healthcare Recruiter

Finding a new job can be challenging. In addition to searching for leads, you have to do a variety of other tasks, including update your resume, draft cover letters and obtain references. All of this is in addition to going on with your normal life. That can make the process pretty hectic, and it can […]

Why Is the Surgical Instrument Market Growing? The Answer Is Quite Simple


When an industry experiences growth, it may be difficult to determine the reason for it. Sometimes, however, the causes are relatively easy to find. That’s the case with the surgical instrument market, and there are several specific reasons for the growth. Education about Health Issues Is on the Rise Health literacy is very important. Being […]

Technology in Healthcare: What’s Changing in the Long Term


Digital health is having impacts now, but it has the potential to have a far greater impact in the future. It’s becoming more common, and new uses are discovered every day. The possibilities are endless, but there are several factors that give us an indication of what’s on the horizon. Devices and beyond Smartphones are […]

Why Is the Surgical Instrument Industry Expanding?


Every industry can experience ebb and flow: there may be times of growth, and there may be times when the industry goes through a bit of a slump. For the surgical industry right now, this is a time of growth. There are three factors contributing to that. Minimally-Invasive Surgeries Even the name conveys how much […]

Is There a Difference Between EMR and EHR?


EMR is an acronym for Electronic Medical Record, and EHR is an acronym for Electronic Health Record. If they’re both electronic health records, why do they have a different word in the middle? Is there a difference between an EMR and an EHR? There is a difference, and we’ll explain it here. What is an […]