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How Soft Skills Help You Get a Job in the Medical Field
Do you relate well to others? Are you patient? Empathetic? If so, you possess some very important soft skills. “Soft skills relate to the way
What Is Collaborative Nursing?
In collaborative nursing, nurses work with each other or other medical professionals to achieve a common goal. Collaborative nursing is a great example of the
Dealing with Knowledgeable Patients
For many people, the Internet is a favorite source of information: Weather forecast? Check. Movie theater listings? Check. Breaking news? Check. What’s causing my back
Manage Stress with Work-Life Balance
There are 168 hours in a week. If a person spends 45 hours at work, that leaves 123 hours. Subtracting eight hours per night for
Am I Burned Out? What Does It Feel Like?
Tough day at work? Everyone has days like that, but some days feel worse than typical bad days. And sometimes, it feels like every day
Be a Problem Solver, Not a Complainer
“Hello, what seems to be the problem?” That’s how many visits begin in the doctor’s office, emergency room, or other healthcare setting, but what happens
Want to Succeed? Learn to Go with the Flow
In healthcare, there’s no such thing as a typical workday. One shift may be a little chaotic, while another may be full of unexpected problems
Where Can I Work Besides a Hospital?
Allied healthcare professionals are critical to patient care, with the majority of CSTs and sterile techs employed in medical and surgical hospitals—but this isn’t the
Can I Be A Surgical Tech?
Surgical technology careers are plentiful in states like California, where CSTs stand to make the highest annual incomes for surgical techs, according to the Bureau