2023 Resume Best Practices for Sterile Techs
Deciding to reach for a new role can feel intimidating! If it has been a while since you applied to a new role, it’s likely that your resume needs a refresh. Here are resume best practices so yours stands out from the crowd! Keep it Simple You may be tempted to use or purchase a […]
Working Over the Holidays? How To Make the Most of It
Working in healthcare often means working holidays. While working holidays can be challenging, there are ways to make the best of it. Here are a few tried and true ways to bring extra cheer to those holiday shifts. Make it Festive Understand which decorations are allowed and not allowed where you work. For example, some […]
3 Tips to Improving Your Bedside Manner
How healthcare providers and medical staff interact with patients is integral to a patient’s healthcare experience. Patients in the hospital are often experiencing health issues and are in a vulnerable position. Establishing an appropriate bedside manner is crucial in ensuring patient needs are met. Here are three tips for improving your bedside manner to provide […]
How Are Smart Lights Improving the Operating Room?
Think of smart features in a home setting. Lights, a television, a thermostat, and other items may be controlled by voice, a remote control, or other means. This can improve life in a variety of ways, and it eliminates the need to get up and do something manually. This can be especially important when you’re […]
Stress Tips for Sterile Techs Fighting the Pandemic
Everyone experiences stress at one time or another. Stress rates can be higher in trying times; many people are finding that their stress levels are higher now, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ignoring stress doesn’t make it go away, but there are several steps you can take to help manage your stress. Don’t Deny Your Feelings […]
Facts to Know About Hand Hygiene
How many times a day do you wash your hands? Have you ever noticed a colleague who doesn’t wash their hands as often as they should? It’s part of our routine, but when things are very hectic, it can be overlooked. And that can cause problems. There’s Always Room for Improvement Although it may seem […]