Is Bad Body Language Costing You the Surgical Tech Job? Four Ways to Fix It Now


Interview after interview for a surgical tech job or other healthcare position – and no offers. That situation can be very frustrating, and it can happen for a variety of reasons. One of the most common causes for this situation can be body language. Even when the candidate says all the right things, bad body […]

Three Tips to Deal with a Bad Boss in Healthcare


Work. For some people, the word alone may inspire a feeling of dread. Although some people enjoy their jobs, others deal with a lot of work-related stress. A bad boss can be a major source of stress. Here are three tips to help deal with a bad boss in your healthcare job. Look Internally First […]

How Does a Surgical Tech Make a Difference in the World?

Everyone can make a difference in the world. How about making a difference at work? People in many professions can do this, and surgical techs are definitely on that list. Attention to Detail An individual facing surgery may face a range of emotions, including nervousness, apprehension, and even fear. The surgical team works together to […]

Part 1: What Does It Take to Work As a Surgical Tech?

Some children know exactly what they want to be when they grow up. Some people wait until well into adulthood to find their true calling. For people who lean toward a healthcare field, it can be tricky to narrow the options to choose a specific role. In some cases, a few specific factors can help […]